When I started dispatch I did not expect that the second story we run will be a set of stunning wildlife photographs.
Geoff Smith pitched a story about Newfoundland wildlife. I almost said no. I didn’t see the story in that pitch, but Geoff’s work was beautiful so I offered to grab a cup of coffee and see what he had in mind. Dispatch is about issues and stories - especially visual stories and I had hard time seeing how we can turn that collection of stunning wildlife photographs into a story. We chatted for a long time. Geoff spoke with knowledge and passion and the story that emerged is the one we are sharing with you in this issue of dispatch.
This is an important story. In some ways, it is the only story that matters. It touches the core of who we are as people, what we should truly care about and what is our responsibility to the land, sea, and air that we inhabit. It is also more than a story - it is a bit of a visual love letter to this place we call home.
The second issue is on the press as I write this and I can’t wait to send it to your mailboxes.
HOUSEKEEPING: I am aware that we are two interviews and several posts behind. My apologies. Between some work related travel, COVID, pneumonia, a bronchial infection, and a concussion (don’t ask!), things have been touch and go. Over the next couple of months, I hope to catch up on the stories and interviews I’d like to share with you.
HOW’S dispatch DOING? Well, I am glad you asked. We have sold out the first printing of the inaugural issue and have more copies on the way. Thank you. And special thank you to those of you who subscribed - it makes a ton of difference and it’s really nice to see your confidence in this project. If you’d like to order that first issue, you can. Just head out to https://www.dispatchpress.ca/store and you can purchase any back issue. If it’s on the backorder, it will say so and it will also indicate the date I expect the copies to arrive here.